Gallery main page

Here we want to show you what we do as art and how our art is made technically. We have tried to keep the size of all pages as small as possible. So there are no special effects and no background textures.

If you are interested in detailed information click to the artists.
The artists
please choose back to main

When you enter the page of one of a series you will find clickable thumbnails of the pictures. They are related to JPG-files which vary between 30K and 50K. Even with this size the quality is not what we would really fancy, but we do not want you sitting in front of your machine wasting time and money. Just to get an imagination of what it is like. Hit the "back" button to return to the page.

Word file for search engines which do not scan the META-tags:

Blanck, Reinhard, Dobadka, Stefan, art, documents, photograph, painting, gallery, exhibition, black and white, canvas, pictures,
artist, oil, performance, Azille, Aude, Minervois, Cologne, Koeln, Kunst, Malerei, Leinwand, Öl, Bilder, Künstler, Foto, peinture,
tableau, huile